Dragonball Z Double & Triple Movie FeaturesRegion: A (Not Playable in the UK)
Price: $17.99 - $24.99 / £11.33 - £15.75 Each (Excluding Postage)
Episodes: 15 Movies (2/3 Per Disc)
Languages: English TRUE HD & Japanese TRUE HD
Plot: The Dead Zone: Gohan has been kidnapped! To make matters worse, the evil Garlic Jr. is gathering the Dragonballs to wish for immortality. Only then will Garlic Jr. be able to take over the Earth in order to gain revenge for the death of his father.
Goku rushes to save Gohan, but arrives at the fortress just as Garlic Jr. summons the Eternal Dragon! Krillin and Piccolo try to help Goku, but their combined powers are no match for Garlic Jr., who creates a Dead Zone to suck the heroes into oblivion! Suddenly, Goku begins to show his hidden power, but will it be enough?!
The World's Strongest: The sinister Dr. Wheelo has been freed from his icy tomb! With his dedicated and devious assistant Dr. Kochin, these mad scientists are plotting to unleash their fearsome biotechnology and take over the world! Of course there's one hitch in the plan... Dr. Wheelo exists only as a brain in a jar!
The evil doctor must seek out a body on Earth that is as strong as his mind is amazing! Dr. Kochin and his android henchmen kidnap Piccolo and Master Roshi to determine who is the most powerful fighter on Earth!
Goku, Gohan and Krillin rush into action to save their friends, but Dr. Wheelo's minions are more than a match for them in battle. It looks grim when Piccolo falls under the disembodied villain's control, and Wheelo's next target for mental domination? Goku! Will our heroes keep their wits about them long enough to be victorious or will they lose their minds?
The Tree of Might: The Earth’s destruction lies dormant within a single, solitary seed. Brought forth from the darkest reaches of space, the Tree of Might has been sown with the vilest of intentions, for once it takes root nothing else can survive. A plant designed to drain the energy of a planet, it steals the very essence of life only to blossom in death and desolation. Unable to fell this mighty threat, Goku and the Z Warriors must instead confront the harbinger of the evil, a Saiyan bearing an uncanny resemblance to our hero – Turles. This new enemy kidnaps Gohan and sets the son against the father, a tragedy which only delays the inevitable fight. As Goku finally faces off against his deplorable double, Turles turns to the thieving tree…
Lord Slug:Once again called upon to save their planet from disaster, Goku and Krillin race to head off a giant asteroid on a collision course with Earth. The threat deflected, their home is saved… Or is it? A greater menace looms in the shadows, a being so evil that he was banished from his old world and now seeks to create a new one of his own. Lord Slug, prepared to dominate by freezing all opposition, seeks out the seven Dragon Balls. Fully restored to youth and more powerful than ever, the Z Warriors soon prove no match for this ancient enemy, a Namekian with abilities from lore and legend. As Goku falls, another must step up before all is lost.
Cooler's Revenge: Saving the universe can be tiring business! So after their big battle with Frieza on Namek, Goku, Gohan, Krillin, and Oolong decide to take a little camping trip for some rest and relaxation back on Earth. But their peaceful weekend is soon interrupted by a menacing force. Frieza has a brother -- Cooler! And with his powerful Armored Squadron, he has come to Earth seeking revenge. Cooler will not rest until the man who destroyed his brother is vanquished, even if that means blowing up the entire planet! Goku was able to tap into his hidden powers and transform into a Super Saiyan once before. The question is, now that the Earth is threatened by Frieza's older (and stronger) brother -- can he do it again?
The Return of Cooler: New Namek is besieged by an enormous evil entity -- the Big Gete Star -- a 'living planet' of metal that sustains itself by devouring entire worlds. Fearing for the existence of his people, Dende, the new guardian of Earth, turns to Goku and his friends for help. The Z-Fighters spring into action in an effort to save the new Namekian home world from this invading menace, but their fight won't be easy! The Big Gete Star has an army of powerful Cyclopean Guards at its disposal, and what's more, at the heart of this metal giant lurks an old enemy… Cooler!
Super Android 13:When the quiet peace of a routine day is interrupted by violent explosions it seems like the entire world is under siege! But Goku quickly realizes that he is the target of the sudden attack! Who are these strange assassins? When Goku discovers that despite their great power, the culprits are not emitting an energy signal, it can only mean one thing: Androids! With Doctor Gero dead, just who is responsible for master-minding this new wave of Androids that are stronger, faster, and ten times more deadly than before?
Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan:A mysterious messenger delivers horrific news: a vicious Super Saiyan is rampaging through space, and he will not stop until the galaxy is left smoldering. Goku and Vegeta rush to confront the menace – but the true danger is much closer than they think.Broly is a force of unspeakable malice, with powers that rage beyond control – and he has the Z fighters in his sights. Now, a race to save the universe turns into a test of survival for Earth’s mightiest warriors. Prepare for the most intense Saiyan battle ever known – a clash for the ages rooted in the pains of a secret past.This is the story of legends at war.
Bojack Unbound: The infamous millionaire X.S. Cash is funding the most amazing martial arts tournament the Universe has ever seen! The four finalists must do battle with warriors representing the four corners of the galaxy in a decisive battle to see who gains the right to challenge The Champ for the ultimate championship! But a ragged band of criminals have a scheme of their own: take over the tournament and conquer the Universe in the process! Their leader is the incredibly powerful Bojack, an evil menace who has broken free of his stellar confines! With Goku incapable of helping eradicate the planet’s latest threat and Earth’s greatest heroes falling one by one, the young Gohan must look deep within himself to find the power to destroy the wicked invaders.
Broly: Second Coming: An investigation into the crash of a strange vessel quickly turns into a battle that not even Earth’s most powerful heroes are guaranteed to win. Broly, one of the greatest threats the universe has ever known, has returned – and this time, Goku might be powerless to stop him. Broly has gone insane from the hatred that boils inside him, an anger that burns hotter than even the pits of the fiery underworld. The entire cosmos will suffer unless the sons of Broly’s greatest rival can defeat him – and it will take nothing short of a miracle. This is the story of madness unleashed.
Bio-Broly: Corruption and technology have united to resurrect one of the greatest forces of evil the universe has ever known – Broly is back and more deadly than ever. This time, the Super Saiyan may prove to be unstoppable. dangerous experiment has gone haywire, and a mysterious substance has been released from a secret laboratory. The oozing menace absorbs all in its path, gaining power from all that it touches. When the creeping slime ingests Broly, the uncontrollable combination threatens to devour the entire world. Trunks discovers a secret that could stop the symbiotic scourge, but it might be too late to prevent Earth’s day of reckoning. This is the story of science gone berserk.
Fusion Reborn: The universe is ripped apart at the seams after an industrial disaster in Other World unleashes the monstrous Janemba – and the beast grows stronger with every moment. The turmoil reaches across dimensions, and the battle rages on two fronts. Goku and Vegeta unite in the fight for Other World’s survival, while Goten and Trunks confront a ghoulish army of the undead on Earth. With strength and fury, the warriors reach incredible heights of power – but it isn’t enough. A dangerous plan of attack is devised, and only an unprecedented level of teamwork will deliver victory. This is the story of the sum of all evil.
Wrath of the Dragon:Two strangers have appeared on Earth. One of them invites devastation. The other has the power to prevent it. Harsh sacrifices must be made to untangle the web of deception that threatens to blind the forces of good to an approaching evil. Dark magic has released an ancient monster – Hirudegarn – that consumes both flesh and soul. As it rampages on Earth, its power threatens to multiply to unthinkable levels. Such wickedness can only be defeated by Tapion, a man who has already given so much – and must now offer his very life to save the universe. This is the story of true brotherhood
The History of Trunks: Goku is dead, victim of a deadly virus. Last of the Z Warriors to pass, the Super Saiyan's death has left the Earth far more vulnerable than ever before. With no one left to protect the planet, Androids 17 and 18 arrive to terrorize the great cities, plunging all into darkness where the inhabitants cower in fear. Is there no hope left in this apocalyptic horror? is this the end? Goku's son, Gohan, is now a man, and with an extraordinary young teenager named Trunks by his side, the two determine to face off against the threat. but as tragedy follows upon tragedy, the world around Trunks is fast collapsing and there seems no check to the evil of the Androids. This is the story of the future that never was.
Bardock: Father of Goku: Before there was Golu, tehre lived his father Bardock. A low-class Saiyan soldier under the comand of Frieza, Bardock is attacked by the last of an alien race they are employed in destroying. Healing on his home planet of Vegeta, Bardock discovers he has been blessed with the ability to see into the future. But the blessing soon becomes a curse, as the Saiyan finds himself haunted by visions: The tragic extermination of his own race and the destruction of their beloved planet, all the hands of Frieza. Bardock sets off on a nightmarish race with fate to avert the impending disaster. But as his strength fails and despair sets in, hope will be found in one last vision. This is the story of Bardock, the father of Goku.