Not only that i'll also list the best websites, and prices, which have the product in-stock. As not all retailers stock them.
This week see's the release of the Anime-inspired "Dead Space: Aftermath" - which is being brought to us on DVD and Blu-ray via Manga Entertainment UK.
Both DVD & Blu-ray versions are being released as "stand-alone" units (i.e. Dead Space: Aftermatch on its own) or you can purhcase the "Double Pack" which features the recently released Dead Space: Aftermath as well as the original Dead Space: Downfall anime film all in one box and at a very "competitive price".
Dead Space: Aftermath -> £11.99 (HMV/Amazon UK)
Dead Space: Aftermath & Downfall (Double Pack) -> £15.99 (HMV/Amazon UK/ Play)
Based on EA's best-selling 'Dead Space' games! Unlock the secrets behind the action horror series with this two disc movie collection! The secrets of the Dead Space universe are laid bare across two discs of alien terror!
Dead Space: Dead Space is a feature length horror/sci-fi animated movie based on the much anticipated Electronic Arts video game set for release in the fall of 2008. When a deep space mining operation discovers a mysterious alien Marker, some believe they have finally found evidence of our creators. However, the removal of the Marker instead unleashes a horrific alien species, which had been entombed within a remote planet, and a desperate fight for survival ensues. The story follows a select group of miners and crew members, as they confront a grotesque and lethal invasion unlike anything ever seen before. The Dead Space animation will serve as a prequel to the game, and take adult animated horror to a whole new level.
Dead Space 2: Aftermath: The year is 2509 and not only has Earth lost contact with the Ishimura and Isaac Clarke, but now also the USG O'Bannon, the first responder ship sent to rescue them. Four crew members of the O'Bannon have survived. But what happened to the rest of the crew? What were they doing? What secrets are they keeping? All to be revealed... in the Aftermath!
Dead Space: Aftermath is a fast paced, horrifying thrill ride told through the perspective of the 4 survivors by several renowned international directors. Each vision unique and bold in its own way. Voiced by an excellent cast led by Christopher Judge (Stargate: SG-1), Peter Woodward (Babylon 5, Charmed), Ricardo Chavira and Gwendoline Yeo.
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