As you may have noticed the packaging design is extremely similar to that of the USA version released a few months back - and Manga Entertainment UK will be releasing it in the same format, i.e. 2 Boxsets, both containing 2 Discs with 13 Episodes - making a total of 26 Episodes over 2 Blu-ray boxsets, known as Collection 1 and Collection 2.
Well This week its only Collection 1 that is getting released, Collection 2 should be released in a few months time and like all of Manga Entertainment's Release's you will also be able to buy it on DVD as well as Blu-ray.
XAM'D - Lost Memories: Collection 1 -> £25.99 (AMAZON UK / HMV UK / PLAY UK)
Plot: Enter Sentan, a lush, tranquil island encased in war between the military and those with Hiruko, known as X'amd. On one of these warlike days, Akiyuki Takehara heads off to school and gets caught in a raid by the creatures. Through a series of events he is transformed into a X'amd, and with the help of a Tessikan woman Nakiami along with his highschool friend Haru, Akiyuki is forced to learn to live with the Hiruko or faces the danger of losing his self-control and turn to stone.
Casshern Sins Part 2 was also scheduled for release on Blu-ray today, however only the DVD Version of it has been made available, this has led me to believe that Manga Entertainment UK have decided not to release Part 2 on Blu-ray due to the high production costs of Blu-ray media, as well as poor sales of the previous volume - this is similar to what happened to the rest of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Blu-rays.
I Personally dislike this idea, as i prefer to have the complete collection on 1 format (or both if its a combi-pack) - plus watching it in HD first, then SD (Standard Definition) takes some of the experience away - but the moral is, if you want more Anime on Blu-ray from Manga Entertainment (or even continuing series on Blu-ray) then you must purchase the Blu-ray itself as soon as possible, espically if its a title you want.
ahhh Manga entertainment really needs to make more blu ray anime, they r so awesome! the US has all the good stuff :(